Admin User Resources

Admin User Intro Video

Watch a 7-minute video that briefly reviews the main responsibilities of Admin Users in a project.

Help Center

Browse through the Help Center to discover different how-to articles and videos on all of the features in Touchplan. Learn how to use the Quantity Tracking Dashboard, the Current/Next Period, and more. 

Admin User Webinar

A 60-minute live onboarding webinar that runs 4 times a week that goes over the responsibilities of Admin Users in Touchplan including project/plan setup, commitment tracking, and generating reports.

User Guide

A step-by-step guide that shows admin users how to set up their plans, and begin planning and tracking commitments within their projects.

Touchplan Academy

Dive deeper into Touchplan by taking the 6 Touchplan Academy courses on a variety of topics such as pull planning, daily huddles and more.

Downloadable Resources

Implementation Handbook

Learn how to set up your project based on your team’s needs using the implementation handbook:


Don’t forget any steps in the planning process or weekly meetings by using Touchplan’s Checklists:

One Pagers

One page documents to help teams easily understand Touchplan and how to use it during their planning meetings: