API Changes

To view the Touchplan API, click here.

New endpoint: POST /v1/tickets/{projectId}/customFields
2023-09 1.0+
Feature adds the ability to update ticket custom field values. Tickets from multiple different plans can be updated with a single request. If there are errors found and some of the updates fail validation, the rest will be attempted. Failures will be returned.

Add fields to tickets API
2023-08 1.0+

Feature Adds actualCrewSize, actualDuration, actualWorkingDays, and plannedWorkingDays to the ticket details endpoint response
Feature Moves crewSize to the ticket summary endpoint response

Add PPC report generation to API
2023-02 1.0+ Feature
POST /v1/projects/{projectId}/reports
Generate PPC reports through the API. POST a report generation request with the parameters for the reports and receive link(s) to the results in CSV format

Add duration to get tickets (not just getTicketDetails)
2023-01 1.0+ Feature

Allow ticket duration of 0.01 – 400 and decimals
2023-01 1.0+ Fix

Project “schedule date range” can be calculated with deleted plans
2022-12 1.0+ Fix

Add ticket predecessor data to ticket details
2022-12 1.0+ Feature

getTicketDetails – Filter ticket custom fields from api by role, enabled, and type
2022-09 1.0+ Fix

Add plan delete endpoint
2022-09 1.0+ Feature
DELETE /plan/{projectId}/{planId}
Delete the given plan in a project.

Add createdAt and creatorId to ticket details endpoint response
2022-09 1.0+ Feature
Adds the createdAt timestamp of a ticket and the user id of the creator to the ticket details response.

Add project id and plan id to ticket endpoint and ticket details endpoint response
2022-09 1.0+ Feature
Add project id and plan id to ticket endpoint and ticket details endpoint response. These fields are the same as the path variables for this these endpoints.

Remove roleName and locationName in ticket and ticket details endpoint response
2022-09 1.0+ Fix
Removed fields roleName and locationName from the ticket and ticket details endpoint response. These fields were never populated and accidently included in the response.